Through this event, #BEsneax wishes to unite, bring together, promote and defend a community which is too often poorly known and poorly regarded. Being part of this family is more than wearing sneakers or sportsgear, it’s a whole philosophy. Join us and you will be surprised!
After two particularly successful editions, #BEsneax is pleased to announce the return of the Belgian Sneakers Days in 2023. In addition to the third election of Mr Sneakers Belgium, we will offer you several activities, including cultural ones. We want to give visibility to our community and break down certain prejudices.
This year will be very special since we will open the weekend precisely on the day of the 5th anniversary of the foundation of our association. We’re going to celebrate it properly.
Applications for Mr Sneakers Belgium are closed. Have a look on the candidates!

Our partners & sponsors
Thursday 23 February 2023
20:00 – Anniversary Bash @ La Réserve
5th anniversary of #BEsneax
Free entrance
Friday 24 February 2023
15:00 – Brussels Undergroung @ Sewer Museum
Cultural activity
Booking mandatoryÂ
17:00 – Opening Drink @ Le Baroque (new location)
Social meeting
Free entrance
21:00 – Sneax in the Jungle @ Jungle Bar
Party time
Free entrance
Saturday 25 February 2023
13:00 – Pimp your Sneax @ Homo Erectus by Spit It Out
Customization workshop
Booking mandatoryÂ
16:00 – Election Mr Sneakers Belgium 2023 @ Stammbar
The highlight of the weekend
Free entrance
23:00 – CAVE @ Sunset Club
Stadium special edition
Party time
Presales recommanded due to limited capacity
Sunday 26 February 2023
14:00 – Meet & Greet @ Spit It Out
Free entrance
16:00 – The Lucky Sneax @ Castro
Social meeting
Free entrance
18:00 – Farewell Drink @ Le Belgica
Social meeting
Free entrance
Discover our promotional brochure as a flipbook. Turn the pages as if you had it in your hands.
To accommodate our visitors in the best conditions, #BEsneax is negotiating a particularly attractive deal with the Bedfort Hotel & Congres Center, a 3* hotel in the heart of Brussels, very close to gay district. Have a look on this exclusive offer.
All the details regarding the guided tour of the Brussels sewers and the sneaker customization workshop are coming soon. Participation will be subject to reservation from the beginning of January.Â
Brussels Underground
Brussels Sewer Museum guided tour
Friday 24 February 2023 at 15:00
Geleid bezoek aan het Rioolmuseum Brussel
Visite guidée du Musée des égouts de Bruxelles

Find out when, why and how the sewers were built. Understand the exceptional working conditions of sewer workers. Measure the importance of water management in the city, including in the event of storms. From the use of the tap to the evacuation towards the treatment plant: you will perceive in a practical way the impact of your daily actions!
The guided tour lasts approximately 1 hour, operated mainly in French (and a little in English). In case of high demand, we could form two separate groups.
Pimp your Sneax
Customization workshop
Saturday 25 February 2023 at 13:00
Maatwerk werkplaats
Atelier de customisation

A desire to personalize your sneakers, T-shirt, shorts or harness? Fabric or leather?
Take advantage of the help and advice from “Custom by PM” during the customization workshop to do so. Tips and tricks, materials and paints will be provided. All you have to do is bring back your sneakers to customize!
On your marks! Ready! Customize!!!
The workshop is conducted in French but it’s very visual so there really isn’t a language barrier. Paints and tools are included in the participation fee. Bring your support (sneakers or other).